Category Archives: Working From Home

Work At Home Nude Day

For many, February 5 is Work At Home Nude Day.

Fortunately, it was business as usual for me.  I work at home nude every day.  Gratefully!

WAHN Day 160205

So, how many knew about this special day? Of course, we naturists know that it should be supported and publicised in every broadsheet and tabloid under the sun but there didn’t seem to be much in the popular press this year. All PR is good PR for the naturism cause, isn’t it?  So how do we get it out there so that as many people know about this as possible?

Joseph and Josephine Public don’t necessarily need to join in!  They don’t even need to take it seriously. They simply need to be aware of it: to laugh, think, consider, chat about it… But some, in addition to work at home nude aficionados like us, may do more and join our ranks, if only for one day each year. Small victories in the march towards total acceptance of naturism are crucial.

It seems that the media apogee for this event may have been in 2013. Certainly not a lot since other than on naturist media.  Nothing seems to have hit the popular press this year.  Please prove me wrong!

Our Australian friends seem to have a different day, possibly 6 December?  Flying Solo can help answer that perhaps. Or maybe even some time in March according to an Australian National News broadcast (unless they had been holding the broadcast back for a slow news day).  This YouTube video from a news team there takes a cheeky look. I found it satisfyingly positive and definitely entertaining.  Even the presenters joined in the fun. We need more coverage like this.

But how many of us home workers do actually work in the nude?

According to in Feb 2013, 30 million people in US work from home at least once each week.  They also say that this will increase by 63% (exactly 63%? Not 62.5% or 63.19756%) over the next 5 years. That’s a lot of people, back then and certainly now at 3 years later – must be well over 40 million now if that’s to be believed (and of course, Forbes is most definitely to be believed).  The article says that they do so because, in descending order of popularity, for such reasons as:

  1. To avoid the commute
  2. For greater time flexibility
  3. To achieve greater productivity (less meetings and other distractions)
  4. To save money

I’ll add another:

5. To be able to work nude.

Somehow the article failed to mention number 5…

In June 2014, BBC reported that in UK the Office of National Statistics (ONS) – that’s got to be one of life’s most exciting careers, alongside astronaut and F1 racing driver – claimed that 4.2 million Brits representing 13% of the total workforce work from home. Most are self-employed 63% and 35% are professionals, all prime demographic candidates for naturist lifestyles, don’t you think?

In 2011 The Telegraph in UK claimed that 8% of home workers don’t get dressed.  They call that working in pyjamas (that’s pajamas for my reader over the pond). Maybe, but tee shirts, underwear and less too probably. They also claim that 1 in 10 men wear a suit and tie at home. Come on! Unless these people have queues of visitors that need to be impressed, that’s a hard stat to swallow.

By April 2014, however, the Daily Mail – and I always believe everything the Mail prints – claimed that the Telegraph’s 8% in PJs was now up to a healthy 20%.

More interesting is the Mail’s claim that 2% work totally naked!

So now we have it: 2% of, say, 40 million home workers in USA and of 4.2 million in UK work at home naked.

That means that at least 800,000 Americans (assuming the increase promised by Forbes) and at least 84,000 Brits worked naked at home on Work At Home Nude Day on Feb 5.

Add to that all of those that stumbled across media and press publicity early enough in the day to make it matter, say another 10.

That means that, as stats never lie, in US and UK 884,010 people turned up the heating and worked naked at home on the big day.

If we add the Rest of Europe, Australasia, bits of Asia, the rest of the Americas, darkest and not so dark Africa and the Middle East – OK, no, not the Middle East – that must mean that well over a million regularly work naked on any given day around the globe. Impressive eh?

And they do that every day, notwithstanding the ‘special’ day.  Just like me.

And that’s why it’s important to swell our ranks with those that wouldn’t normally work naked by extra publicity or in any other way possible.  Spread the word.

It feels good to me to know that while I sit here all alone in my comfortable study contemplating my next paycheck, there is a host of like-minded souls beavering away in all corners of the world, happily working naturally.

Keep up the good nude work!